Sunday 5 April 2020

Roar of The Herd

Build up herd immunity
selves as cattle
livestock locked down
in slaughterhouse towns

stay home 
protect the NHS 
and save lives
protect and survive
taking back control
the language of our various crises
the slogans of our desperate times
the litany of avoidable lunacy

an opportunity to inform on those
who veer from the restrictions 
of the pandemic's regime of new laws 
with new rules to learn
the requested change of behaviour
of travel and purchase patterns
the twitching net curtains
betraying an increased interest 
in the essential comings and goings
of one’s dear neighbours
funny how we find our true place
when we’re all in this together

and there's no let up from spam
its faceless operators still having
to steal a living as thousands die
may these gangster spamsters
be eaten alive by their hamsters
as other life forms colonise
the polluted human settlements
and the air is cleansed again

there’ll never be a Spring
quite like this one
until the next time

the lemming army of hoarders
is marching over the cliff edge
of dried teats and no deals
with their gluttonous supermarket trolleys

and who’s profiteering from 
Personal Protection Equipment
ventilators and medication?
who actually is in charge
of the looting the delays
and the half-heartedness?
my grandmothers could have done better
they were not hampered
by feelings of entitlement
but knew from real life drama
what urgency demanded

where to start in Ravi Shankar’s back catalogue
now I've got the time?
pandemonium reigns
now wash your hands

there’ll never be a Spring
quite like this one
until the next time

Sunday 15 March 2020

Anti-Aging Cream

I hope I don't grow old and declining
running out of ideas
running out of running out
depleted of free will

knowing that I will depend on others
burdened with unreliable memories
irredeemable consolation prizes
and an unreachable hole
where I used to be
with people who have since left

there's little certainty
a leaf lands where it falls
then is moved by a breeze
or the industry of insects
the tramp of shoes

I am but a leaf
from a great tree
called family

I will land where I will fall
